TheaTrim Review – Is TheaTrim Safe?
With so many diet pills available for purchase, it may be hard to deduce which ones are actually beneficial and which ones are just a waste of money. Companies utilize different tactics to get people to buy their products, with varying results. TheaTrim makes use of the color black to make itself come off as very serious and instrumental and aiding weight management. But is it really as good as it is advertised?
Read the article below to find out.
What is it?
Sporting a black background on it’s official website, TheaTrim retails itself as a concoction that will get people to lose weight through thermogenesis, elevate energy levels as well as incinerating fat deposits that leave people in states of obesity that they would rather not be in. The website itself is pretty bare of any facts as the specificities of how it works, instead choosing to highlight that the makers of TheaTrim have included an ingredient that they have uniquely made all their own.
Because of the statement about itself insinuating that this intensifies energy levels, it does seem that this concoction is to be used in conjunction with an athletic lifestyle, yet there is not very much information concerning any specific routine or diet plan that should be followed with use of TheaTrim. What instead is displayed feels to me to be centered around general advertising copy that gets people excited about a product without really saying much about it.
The price on TheaTrim varies, as while it costs $54.95 on the offical website, it may also be found on for the much cheaper amount of $21.39. What concerns me a bit with this product is the use of mood magnifying substances, which may have the user assuming that they are losing more weight than what is the reality of the matter. It’s easy for people to be lulled into a false sense of comfort, and there are products out in the market that work to do just that.
It’s important to know that what you are consuming isn’t one of these products.
Who makes it?
The manufacturer of TheaTrim is known to be a company that goes by the name of Purus Labs. There is no mention on the official website as to the location of it’s headquarters. The company lambasts the current diet pill market, and how there are many products that assert that they can do things that they really can’t. Contra to this, Purus Labs declares that it is an anomaly in comparison to these products, as everything they create has been scientifically tested to be competent. The company produces an array of products that are meant to enhance physical well being, in addition to weight loss. What makes their company a bit interesting, is that they have a section that is dedicated to poetry, which is unlike any other company that I have reviewed. The section that this is under is called the “Cerebral Stim”.
In addition to this, the company also makes sure to mention it’s media presence, and has a page that is dedicated to just that. While there are companies that fail to have a social media presence, Purus Labs makes itself known on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. Having an account on social media is important for companies nowadays to have, and without it, any products that they may try to market will not get the exposure that they should. The leadership behind Purus Labs recognizes this, and makes themselves known.
Does TheaTrim work?
While there are statements that have been made about TheaTrim, the truth of the matter is that the official website provides no clinical data that bulwarks anything that is stated about this product. There is no data that proves that combining the different substances that make up TheaTrim will actually get people to lose weight. Moreover, there is no mention as to how regular exercise and a diet that is free of excessive amounts of sugars and fats play into overall weight loss. These are two incredibly important facets of weight management, and to not even so much as mention how they play a role make me very skeptical as to how well this product actually works. There are customer reviews that back up my skepticism, as some have derogated this concoction of substances as producing no effects at all.
Top Rated Products are always bulwarked by clinical data that has been repeated in numerous trials.
TheaTrim Ingredients and Dosage
There are a total of 6 different substances that TheaTrim is comprised of. Of all the ingredients, only the first one, vitamin B12, also known as cyanocobalamin has it’s recommended daily amount listed, which is at 4,167%. All of the other ingredients merely have the amounts that they come in listed and nothing more. This runs contra to other diet pills, which hide the amounts of their ingredients in a proprietary blend. The other ingredients and their amounts include citrus bioflavonoid complex (125 mg), InstEndergy Rapid absorption excitatory blend (278 mg), rauwolfia vomitoria root bark extract (500 mcg), white willow bark (80 mg), SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine) (125 mg) and vitamin B12 (250 mcg). It is believed that the different substances are known to magnify positive states of mind, as well as level up the amount of energy the user has. It is also mentioned that thermogenesis is activated from use of this concoction. Users are advised to take a single capsule with their first meal of the day and to assess from there what they’re tolerance is. If the user can tolerate this product well, they are advised to possibly take another capsule 4-6 hours after the first initial. Users are also told to not take more than 4 capsules in a given day.
Are there potential side effects?
TheaTrim mentions on it’s label that not only may heart rate become intensified (palpitations), but blood pressure may be raised as well (hypertension). As such, individuals with a family history of high blood pressure, heart related disorders, stroke (cerebrovascular accident) or any other pre-existing health conditions are not advised to use this product. Similarly, women who are in stages of pregnancy or who are nursing are not recommended to use TheaTrim as well. Prescription medications that are used to alleviate sinus and colds may adversely react with use of this product.TheaTrim is not meant for individuals under the age of 21. People who may be drug tested, such as athletes are forewarned that use of this product may give them a negative result if tested.
Vitamin B12 is a substance that is known to be found in abundance in TheaTrim. While consumption of this substance is essential for overall health to be optimal, having to much of this vitamin may adversely react with people, especially since it comes in an amount that is 4,167% of the daily recommended dose. While being generally tolerable to the body, there has been a link with an excessive amount of vitamin B12 in the body and prostate cancer. In rather rare cases, people have reported tingling and numbness in the face as well as the upper extremities, which include the hands and arms.
Top Rated Products always clearly label any adverse reactions that may be experienced after being consumed.
Without any clinical data supporting it, TheaTrim comes off more as an attractive advertisement than a solid product. Clinical data is an essential facet of any product, and without it, there is no way of proving how robust a concoction really is. We would just be taking the manufacturer’s word as fact. Concurrently lacking customer testimonials does nothing to support any allegations that this product may indeed work as it is intended to. The single page of text that is provided does sound alluring, but alluring words are not the same as proven results. There are many diet pills available on the market that act just as this byproduct of substances does, and like so many others, this one fails to deliver. There are other diet pills available that may support you in your quest to drop pounds from your frame. It’s there that your attention should be spent, and not on this product.
Top Rated Products are recognized to get people the results that they crave.
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