NV Clinical Review – Does it Really Work?
Celebrity endorsed weight loss products spring up every once in a great while, with the claim that the celebrity lost weight easily with said supplement. Of course weight loss in a celebrity might come easier due to the access of dieticians and no lacking amount of money to throw at the problem. However, often a celebrity will have before and after photos showing just how much they transformed. The idea behind it however is of course a sponsorship of sorts, it is never truly known if the endorsement was offered after the person lost weight or if they truly lost it with the supplement.
So although it would be nice to see a career resurgence in people due in part because of supplementation, it still should not be taken as straight fact. This is why this review exists, to really give a fair understanding of what is meant to happen with a product like NV Clinical.
Handing you the information you need in order to make an educated decision instead of falling for the marketing.
What is it?
While this series of weight loss products includes sprinkles to add to foods, and a caffeinated and non caffeinated version, the official website is down. There are multiple 3rd party retailers which sell and market these brands however. Still it would have been nice to get the full scope of what is to be expected from the people who make it. Looking at the lineup is comes clear that the product is intended to be very niche, they actually offer sprinkles which are intended to go on food. The main spokesperson selling this brand is a reality TV star named Tami Roman. Miss Roman apparently lost 30 pounds while supplementing with this brand. She also included a 1,350 daily deficit for 15 weeks. It is often recommended for the average person who is sedentary to get 2,000 calories. So by looking at 1,350 it makes sense there would be weight loss, it is the natural state of the body to lose weight at that low a level.
As mentioned the marketing has been left to companies not associated with the making of this brand. Apparently however there are clinically tested ingredients in the formula which have shown actual weight loss. 5 pounds were lost in just 2 weeks and a rate of 1 to 2 pounds following 8 weeks after.
Still these claims are not backed up by any studies shown, it is just mentioned without a follow up showing of evidence.
All the uncertainty aside there is plenty more to uncover.
Who makes it?
The Canada based group Wellnx Life Sciences, Inc. has created this brand and they also have other supplements for sale. They essentially sale similar variants of weight loss products featuring raspberry ketones, garcinia cambogia and green coffee bean.
The company was hit with a lawsuit for alleged fraudulent claims to their weight loss products which the company settled out of court for. Also the National Advertising Division suggested the company stop making weight loss claims even after the lawsuit was settled.
It was further revealed that the company decided to pull NV Clinical from the market, most likely due to the several claims that could not be substantiated. Unfortunately the product still exists in store shelves and batches sold are of course years old. It is an odd thing to see major market retailers still selling this product. Purchases of it are not only dated, but there is no safety guarantee offered whatsoever in case of any potential issues.
Does NV Clinical work?
Well the clinical studies which are supposedly postie, exclaim there to be weight loss possible. However these studies are not published anywhere to that marketing claim is suspect. Also since the company has abandoned the product all that is left of the official website is an email for contacting the company about any questions. No sales of it are made directly from the makers anymore, so if they have abandoned it, there is a red flag present.
There are a few reviews online from customers exclaiming to “not waste your money”. All in all reviews online are for the most part very negative with people explaining it did not work for them.
Changes can come when you supplement with the right weight loss products.
NV Clinical Ingredients and Dosage
Some antioxidants are featured here in the form of goji fruit, pomegranate, grape extract, cranberry, litchi and bilberry.
Turmeric is known to be a good anti inflammatory. Meanwhile mangosteen is related to garcinia cambogia which has a noted metabolism increasing effect. Finally Indian sphaeraranthus is an herb meant to decrease blood sugar levels. Although results not been tested enough to truly know. Of course while many of the additives here are exotic, since batches are no longer made what one will be receiving is old extracts.
As far as dosing 6 a day are recommended with 3 in the morning before meals and 3 just before lunch.
Here is a caffeine version of the NV Clinical brand:
Are there possible side effects?
Some of the potential pitfalls including blood thinning from Litchi. Pomegranate also has a possible effect on lowering blood pressure too much. Of course the possible side effects of caffeine have often been reported. This includes headaches, nausea, vomiting, insomnia rapid heart rate and elevated blood pressure.
It cannot be stated with enough urgency, the makers have abandoned this product yet it still remains. The sales of this cannot come with any guarantee and any issues would be left to the customer to deal with solely. So if you were to have any negative effects this means no money back and no one to blame for any unfortunate consequences.
Since the batches are old it also raises the risk of failure in the body as these extracts do have an expiration date. Of course you would never see what the date of expiration is as the sales of this product are mostly online.
Getting supplements from the proper source allows for more meaningful fat loss.
Found in this product is a lot of claims that have not been backed. Supposed clinical studies which would surely be welcome by customers. If proof exists then it would greatly add to the use of this product. Not only that but it would improve sales, so it is strange that clinical reviews are not offered. Well when you look at the history of the company it makes sense why they excluded it. Past lawsuits have piled on to expose how the lies of weight loss have not been substantiated. It became so bad that this product was pulled from production even though it was heavily marked to be a wonder supplement with the potential for some strong weight loss.
The lawsuits revealed that the company made major claims as to possible weight loss without any proof. So NV Clinical was the victim of this fallout, causing it to be no longer created by the manufacturers. However it still exists even after the company discontinued use. So any and all batches of it are all old and most likely expired. Yet still some 3rd party retailers looking to get a buck still manage to sell it under the impression that it works wonders. To sell a brand that the own creators have left behind is a striking fact that must be acknowledged, clearly something is wrong when this is a part of the history of the company.
Still looking at the ingredients it leaves even more to be desired. There are a lot of unproven properties in the ingredients and no sort of support is offered to show how it really works. So the effects of it are really unknown. Until you look at the reviews of disgruntled customers who felt cheated. Many exclaim they did not gain anything beneficial from the product, and instead were left with less money.
So armed with a lacking history of positive company practices, no new batches, unexplained clinical trials and a lack of customer support plague this brand.
Getting product’s for weight loss should come from a reputable business, a business that has customer favored brands for weight loss.
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