Metabolife Review – All You Need to Know About This Product.
Tests when properly performed are a welcome addition if they are performed correctly, however when studying supplements it is eternally essential to know what the reality truly is. Not only should you be able to maintain an expectation of positive results, but there must be a way to identify how well the study was performed. Was there a good group who underwent strict dosing? And what exactly is the format for caloric or exercise needed? All this incredibly dense information comes in scientific jargon which requires a lot of knowledge on supplements.
So to help quench the desire to fully understand I’m applying my long held skills to properly evaluate supplements like this. The intended showcase is to help benefit those seeking weight in a proper and full fledged manner.
So no longer do you have to read through complicated text you get a bare expression of what has been explored and documented. You now are allowed into a site of comprehension on just how beneficial Metabolife will truly be.
What is it?
This particular brand hosts several supplements that are all intended to help one shed excess weight. Each formula has been created to satisfy different demands ranging from no caffeine, energy infused, antioxidant rich, stronger formulas and even a specific formula for those who are struggling to lose weight with diet and exercise. It’s good to have variety but more important are results. A lot of testing is said to go into the making of these products to certify results will occur according to the marketing plan. One important key thing to look at are the studies that have been performed by the company. Their biggest brand was self studied in a double blind study which apparently showed a reduction in weight. These type of studies are not often performed as they are costly and time consuming. Though the study was self inflicted it would be fair to at least consider what the extent of the studies were. So later on I’ll make sure to run a full breakdown and see what one can truly expect.
Now that we know each brand is centered around the goal of weight loss it then becomes vital to know exactly how these products work. No matter which brand is sampled one has to consider company history, business practices, validity of the scientific studies and of course what are customers saying about this brand. Luckily there is a lot of information to be found about these products. Not only are they available nationwide but the company has a reputation that I will review in just a few moments. It’s easy to see what these products have to offer due to the amount of information and the nutrition labels for each brand that are clear to observe. With that emphasized, let’s see what are the positives and negatives associated with Metabolife.
Who makes it?
The Metabolife Corporation is now owned by Twinlab. Unfortunately the company had to bow down ungracefully for numerous lawsuits that jailed the previous owners of the company. This past history led to over 250 lawsuits from customers over personal injuries after taking these brands. According to the official tally there were thousands of injuries related to the drug and even some deaths. The FDA actually mandated a ban on ephedra based products on the strength of this company’s past failings. The company also had to pay a criminal fine to the IRS for tax evasion as well. After accumulating over one billion dollars worth of lawsuit fines the company decided to file for bankruptcy to avoid any further damages.
Since then the company has been bought out by Twinlabs presumable to live off the once promising name of the company. Twinlabs also shares a rocky past through one of their most popular liquid diet supplements. Apparently many people believed the product when it claimed it would be enough to provide nutrients. 58 people died as a result of this liquid diet which forced the FDA to issue a warning, resulting in a huge loss of profits for Twinlab. The company also eventually filed for bankruptcy after slumping profits led to their downfall.
All in all it is fairly suspicious to see two companies come together with such an unstable past.
Does Metabolife work?
One 8 week study on one of their products says it will work. It’s hard to take it seriously however seeing as how the study was self inflicted, therefore there could be a possible bias associated with these claims.
Looking at their Ultra formula there are 18 negative reviews and 16 reviews who claim it is decent, their Green Tea formula on the other hand has some good reviews however this might be due to the high amount of caffeine found inside. So far the overall consensus on all these brands is that they either do nothing or that they provide some energy. Nothing too out of the ordinary for products which have a lot of caffeine inside of them.
Clearly a lot more work needs to be done to show real results.
Peering into the Elite High Ranking products will ensure you get a functioning quality product.
Metabolife Ingredients and Dosage
Each brand should be considered its own unit and each of them has a different aspect to show how weight loss may come about. For example their Ultra formula has a bit of caffeine and some Garcinia Cambogia extracts. Caffeine is really only a short lived thing and shouldn’t be considered an ingredient for sustained weight loss in the future.
The caffeine free version has some nutrients and Garcinia Cambogia. Once again this can be purchased for much cheaper elsewhere, no real reason is given as to how this is any better than any other supplement brand with the exact same profile. Finally their green tea version as some antioxidants and a bunch of caffeine sources. Still no justification is given as to how it is superior to any other brands.
What we can take from these products however is that they do have some decent qualities but they’re just not strong enough or unique enough to really demand purchase.
One of Metabolife’s supplements can be viewed here, this one goes by the name Metabolife Ultra:
Are there possible side effects?
Yeah there are quite a few potential problems that have sprang up in customers eyes. There are customers who mention that they felt nothing but headaches with these brands. Others have mentioned they were left dehydrated without any difference in their waistline.
Overall the response for these products makes a ton of sense. To consider that almost all the brands rely on caffeine shows how certain customers may experience side effects. The possibility for complications with caffeine have been noted and the following are very real possibilities. Whether anxiety, mood swings, rapid heart rate, sweating, tremors, all these are a potential when supplementing with these brands. Clearly since the company history has shown severed adverse effects careful consideration should be taken to ensure this results will not appear again. Too much is at stake to blindly consume any of these brands without considering the very real possible side effects that come within.
Take into account these Elite Products that do not have the aforementioned potential side effects.
Well one thing is for certain for a brand with such a tumultuous history they really trimmed down and simplified their ingredients. Now all one gets to observe are very common additives found in almost all of the run of the mill products. If I hadn’t read the label brand I would have thought these were generic weight loss products. Nothing really original is found and nothing compelling is here to make this specific purchase a necessity. To those who like simplicity then there’s still a lot more issues found within these products.
The past crazy history of severe lawsuits and criminal prosecution must be examined in order to safely make a purchase. Not only did this brand once show a huge risk factor but people actually died. Not only did this happen but the new owners also have faced major controversy for the advertising of their brands. One cannot forget that Metabolife was the reason why the FDA banned ephedra; this came after many experienced debilitating effects that forced the company into early bankruptcy. To trust a company with this type of history would be ludicrous. At the very least the company should offer full disclosure to showcase how they no longer are associated with the actions of the past.
Everyone deserves a second shot but not when there is no real reason given to trust their abilities again. There’s far too much at stake and customers have pitched in their ideas. The overwhelming consensus is that very little changed. It’s clear why however. The ingredients in these brands are far too weak to really provide a huge change into one’s weight loss goals. Until the company manufacturing details are figured out and until the formula is drastically changed, it’s hard for me to see anything really useful in here.
Observing the best that is offered in the supplement world allows you to make an informed and good timed decision.
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