GNC Women’s Ultra Mega-Energy & Metabolism Review – The Truth About This Product.
A tradition of adding a lot of everything into the little bitty capsules for supplements has been an added feature to several supplements. Some believe that this allows for a more well rounded experience. Especially in dealing with the day to day hectic scheduling, it can be very difficult to ever get all that the body needs in just one day. Thinking of how there is more added and very little time to do it all. It is especially a beneficial aspect for people who need a fast intake of ingredients intended to do a lot of things.
Of course one would believe that all you need are these supplements and that raises a question, why hasn’t this reality always been a priority? Not only is it a fast way to consume a product but it takes away from all the meal preparation and careful planning.
Of course it would be ideal, and GNC Women’s Ultra Mega-Energy & Metabolism exists to fulfill such a role. However giving a full assessment is essential to know how it can effect the body. This is exactly why this outline is present, to give you what is needed for you to decide.
What is it?
They key for this women’s only formula is to give a kick in every category. It has compounds intended to increase calorie burning, vitamins for better everyday work, mental and physical energy, and all of it comes in many different pills and capsules. In fact 5 little pills and capsules are seen here which make it appear to be a kind of one a day multivitamin complex. The package itself says it has been clinically tested, however the manufacturers website offers very little knowledge showcasing how these tests came about. In fact the website where the products makers exist are not in the habit of divulging much information. There is a video that goes over some of the names of each complex, however they fail to add much more in that category to truly satisfy demand. Since it is suspiciously quiet most of the information had to be gathered from outside retailers of this brand.
There really exists a lacking amount of information. The answer that must be found is what exactly is inside of this to make it for women only? Does it contain some sort of estrogen ability? Without knowing why it appears to be sold to solely women it makes it impossible to truly have a well thought out representation of the brand.
However other details do exist to shed some sort of light unto the discovery of this supplement. It just would have been a vastly superior option to have them reveal the reality themselves instead of relying on their name alone.
Who makes it?
In 1935 is when the GNC company started their store campaigns in the US. The company offers many different brands for all types of supplementation purposes. They still have their own lineup as well, and they offer their stores in many different shopping centers and malls across the United States.
One point of contention was lead by franchise owners who sued the company after reports came about on how they were treated. Apparently the company did not want the franchise owners to keep control and there was a lot of debate on how to best handle their practices.
Does GNC Women’s Ultra Mega-Energy & Metabolism
There is a mixture of both positive and negative on the rate of effectiveness. It is impossible to know if the change occurred due to the addition of caffeine inside these pills. Many have added a list of side caveats to show why this product is not what it seems to be. More on that in the “Are there possible side effects?” portion of the review.
With a lot of inconsistency it is hard to gauge why the reaction felt by women has been so skewed. Not one common well rated trend has been spotted with most of the reviews being kind of middle of the road.
Well received and properly assessed supplements are here to stay for good reason, they are approved by customers.
GNC Women’s Ultra Mega-Energy & Metabolism Ingredients and Dosage
Well since there is a lot of complexes it makes sense that the ingredients added would read more like a deceleration than a proper supplement list. Numerous common vitamins are seen here, though many customers have mentioned they saw a bright yellow urine effect. This can be a symptom of overexposure to vitamins which are not fat soluble, meaning the body filters it out from actually ever being used for good.
Of course there is green tea extract, which is known to provide antioxidants. However no real reason is given how this extract is better in any form over a regular and wholesome cup of tea. Also there is an energy and metabolism mixture with black pepper for digestion and capsicum for a increase in body temperature. Also added to this energy blend is a mix of caffeine. While nothing is uncommon of seeing a mixture of ingredients, what is a concern is how they just added caffeine to it.
Caffeine in an unknown dosage is not the smartest and most beneficial way to actually absorb caffeine into the body.
Here is a representation of the lengthy ingredient list added:
Are there possible side effects?
As would be expected from all these ingredients there has been a lot of reported incidents from customers. Many state it is hard to take in as once they opened it, the smell was incredibly hard to really believe. It was so bad for many that it was surprising the taste was actually worse. The consensus is that the smell can be overwhelming and too hard to bear.
Another commonly seen side effects in many was nausea and intense stomach cramps. The nausea might be connected to the smell, since many say it has a pungent and strong odor that is hard to break away from.
Of course with any addition of caffeine there tends to be a rise in possible side effects. This product is no stranger to that with some adding they felt dehydrated, headaches that continue on, and of course feeling irritable and overactive in energy. This may seem like a surge in energy is present, but at too much of a rate and it becomes more detrimental than it is actually worth.
Side effects are not a necessary fall of supplements, in fact many brands have none of the possible side effects listed here.
Well it seemed that because the company is so big and that they are catering to solely women, that there would be some unique properties. However the company has spent no effort in really promoting the qualities in this brand. Not one mention is ever added as to how they intend to help only women. Without knowing if there is a change in estrogen, it is hard to ever comprehend the intentions. It appears to have a lot going on since you see a ton of vitamins and minerals added.
However what is often the case with brands like these, the reason why many women saw bright yellow urine was because the vitamins were not consumed and absorbed properly. Instead they have been flushed out the system and not been actively used for a beneficial purpose. Also there is a lot of concerns over the smell and taste of this supplement. Many add they choked it down to try and get benefits. Only to be in the battle of trying to stay not nauseated. The possible side effects are not just that, there are other commonly seen negatives that have many customers in a state of feeling bad.
So while there is a wide distribution chain and a history of supplement salesmanship, it fails to really pronounce how it works to create positive change. No details are given to market the brand beyond a short video naming the possible outcomes. No clinical information is added yet they claim it exists. So far there really isn’t too much going on here.
You can make a proper decision for your own good by analyzing the information on customer favorites.
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Could any of these ingredients cause you to test positive on a drug ua?
my question on these vitamins as I used to take Ultra Mega Green for years, this vitamin actually saved my life once when I contracted Meningitis and had no concrete diagnosis. Later, I was diagnosed for this dreadful disease. But My question now for these newer vitamins ultra the name Ultra Meta is if caffeine is now used, wouldn’t this be detrimental to a heart patient? This is a serious question, as most heart patients are advised not to partake of caffeine, to always use non-caffeine drinks, whether it b green tea, whatever, NO caffeine, makes the heart go into fast heart beats, not so good. But if there was only a minimal amount of caffeine added, perhaps it might be okay to use these vitamins. Appreciate your answer.
These vitamins put me to sleep