Fastin-XR Review- Is Fastin-XR Safe?
Weight loss brands are in such a common abundance on the field that it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish what one can and should potentially expect. Arming yourself with the information required is a huge expenditure of your resources and time. Even still it requires a past knowledge of ingredients in supplements to truly know what is really found. Too many copycat and off brands exist which have strong marketing strategies that confuse. Of course looking past this is essential in order to make the proper decision meeting your specific demands.
Well the reason this outline exists is just that, it gives the details for you to establish what you need. So understanding not solely what the product can do, but the history and overall company practices are detailed here.
This makes for a practical ease of doubts, instead of diving in blind you come out with proper expectations. So here in full are the essential details you can use, to see for yourself if Fastin-XR is worth your investment.
What is it?
Self proclaimed as the world’s most advanced weight loss tool ever created. Somehow many supplement companies are all tied in first place as this unfounded claim is often mentioned as being the truth. There are also claims on the bottles of this brand that it is revolutionary and that there is an extended release strategy applied to each pill. The idea is to help bring up mood, prevent fat accumulation and appetite and also meant to supplied is a good source of energy. This is actually based off their previous brand of Fastin, however what is added here is a revamped formula. The main difference is a bit more caffeine is added and other ingredients have their content ramped up. So this already excludes many potential customers who are sensitive or apprehensive about including stimulants into their diets. This product not only has a lot of stimulants but they brag on the marketing of this brand that it has even more stimulants than other products.
One troubling aspect of this product is that a random website claims to sell cheap versions of this product. It appears they are not affiliated with the company themselves so it is unknown whether or not it is of the same quality as the product supplied by the manufacturers. Adding to the mystery is the fact that the brand appears to be the exact same labeling and ingredients. It’s unknown whether or not it actually is the same version.
Despite all the many claims added by the marketing campaign these interesting looking red and blue pills exist to give gains to weight reduction. Yes their campaign of providing the best in the world is really unoriginal, but there still needs to be more discovered. With several supplement options in the marketplace one has to distinguish what is the most deserving.
Who makes it?
Founded in Georgia Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has several supplements that cater towards weight loss. They also feature brands for muscle gains and support, brain function, sexual performance, and overall health.
The Federal Trade Commission handed down a $40 million dollar penalty on the company for not pulling a certain brand off the market which had health claims the FTC deemed not yet proven.
In 2025 the company also was handed a warning by the FDA to stop producing their Fastin-XR formula alongside other supplements that the company was selling. Apparently there were amounts of BMPEA which has been linked to several issues and strokes. Not only was this warning handed down but use of this ingredient had already been banned by the FDA. So the company decided to go and add it even though there had been warnings of it for its reported harsh side effects. It is unclear if it has been all been wiped out from this formula, however caution must be exercised as there has been a lot of warnings handed down by several institutions.
The CEO of the company also was handed down a 50 months in jail for his selling of generic prescription drugs on the internet. Adding more fuel to this fire is the fact that the CEO has served jail time before this for illegally distributing drugs.
Does Fastin-XR work?
Well the company website offers no testimonials, customer reviews, money back guarantee or any notice of how it will work. All one gets to read about is how this is the world’s best fat burner and how effective it is, without any evidence.
After looking for research online there were reports of there being a stimulant effect which is apparent from the amount of caffeine found inside. However any form of stimulants would have similar effect, it just depends on one’s specific threshold for stimulation. There isn’t anything in these ingredients which cannot be replicated for much cheaper.
Far more useful options are available for weight loss products.
Fastin-XR Ingredients and Dosage
Up to 4 capsules can be taken daily and of course one should not supplement with it anytime near bedtime due to its amount of stimulants.
What one can find here are forms of caffeine, bitter orange and acacia rigidula which is known to contain BMPEA which the FDA has not deemed as acceptable for use in supplements. Oddly enough the manufacturers still have it and in fact a warning letter was sent out to immediately get rid of it. So one would be essentially buying an illegal over the counter that has been shut down for good reasons. The rate of dosage for this ingredient is seen as being too extreme in any amounts.
Although the other ingredients sound like crazy science experiments they’re not that uncommon. For example Methylphenethylamine is essentially a compound which is found in amphetamine. Many reasons exist why taking these types of ingredients are not properly figured out as a decent dosage rating. They can be potentially too extreme for most people. Also worth adding to the mix is that only those 18 and older are recommended to supplement and of course one should not have a sensitivity to caffeine.
One can view all the ingredients found in this product right here:
Are there possible side effects?
There is a tremendous amount of potential side effects inherent. In fact one would not be exaggerating to call it a potential bomb waiting to go off. There’s stimulants piled on top of other stimulants. First off the combination of caffeine with these types of ingredients have been noted to cause heart palpitations and cardiac arrest in certain people. The amphetamine like compounds that exist here are potentially tremendously harmful to the body.
There’s good reason why one of the ingredients in this formula has been banned by the FDA. The extract of acacia rigidula sounds nice since it comes from a plant. However it contains the now banned BMPEA. The reason why it was banned because people suffered strokes and some even died from taking it. This has to be one of the greatest amount of potential side effects that I have ever seen from a supplement. It’s no wonder though when you notice the amount of letters the FDA has sent out to this company. For unknown reasons it does not appear that the company has made any of the changes which were mandated by the FDA. They sent out a warning but still, their marketing and sales of this product still exist. Some may still want to try the product but keep in mind, there has been multiple reported cases of side effects inherent with these types of ingredients.
Far better options exist without the fear of harsh stimulatory effects on the body.
There’s no doubt this product is strong, it even has amphetamine compounds next to caffeine which is right alongside a banned ingredient. Also worth adding to the story of this product is how much it is being thrown under the bus. The food and drug administration has an open notice on this product to avoid it at all costs. Clearly this type of information must be applied before ever considering it.
One has a full hosts of amphetamines and other stimulants which can cause a series of potential side effects which have been clearly documented. There’s no explanation given as to why it has been lumped together. Sure there can be effects from this product but it may not be the one’s a customer is looking for.
Observing the company as well brings a lot of negative history. A criminal past and even present has been an issue with the CEO. Also the company has had several fines for their lack of scientific backings to prop up their claims.
Not only is this product banned from use, but it would still have a potentially disastrous effect on the body if it were to just include its main stimulant formula. No real indicator is given by the manufacturers as to why they continue to sell a product that has an illegal ingredient. For this and many other reasons it is virtually impossible to consider this brand as a functional tool for weight loss.
Better quality and Properly Ranked products exist that can give functional weight loss without fear of side effects.
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