Calotren Review – The Truth About This Product.
One can find supplements that often promise a lot of interesting and unique properties, some contend they help stave off carbohydrates, fats, sugars and other things. This form of exclusive tackling of commonly eaten items sounds ideal, no doubt a lot of benefit is set to be gained if this were the truth. How exactly can you determine what is hype and what is actual fact? Also if it is true, how much of an impact is it meant to have? If it is only a small amount then it would not be the optimum choice.
By examining the key traits you no doubt quickly stumble and feel just as confused as when you began. This is because there is a ton of contradicting details and it is hard to distinguish good vs bad evidence. Sometimes companies themselves add false information to make themselves seem much better. So that is why this review exists, to dispel any and all concern.
Giving you a straight and marketing free appeal that provides all the information for an informed decision.
What is it?
This weight loss formula comes in as a solution intended to burn fat as well as sugar and it apparently helps to retain lean muscle while providing an overall good feeling. Quite a lot is intended to happen here and in fact the company has a promise that it works for mostly anyone even for those with a pre existing health condition. Also they add there is no fear of this product containing any stimulants or drugs and that it can be mixed with medication. So it’s not only intended to work well but it is supposedly safe for consumption in almost any individual. They also add to the mix that no form of a special diet is needed in order to see results. Just a 90 day program which they recommend. Though it is important to note there is no mention of what is required in this 90 days, seeing as how they add no special diet is required, it remains to be seen what is required in these 90 days.
What is remarkably lacking is any form of proof or showing that customers have enjoyed this brand. They claim to have been operational for over 30 years yet there is no indication at all that customers have tried this product. 0 testimonials 0 reviews and absolutely no form of proof is given to show the tests done on this weight loss product. They do offer the help of a “supplement adviser” for free if one inputs their personal information. It is unknown how helpful this adviser really is and what they are meant to contribute. So on the front of the company providing their own set proof there is no accountability just yet.
However it does feature some unique ingredients and of course it is important to find out whether or not the marketing behind this product is legitimate. So to help find out what this can do, I’ve observed all the information regarding Calotren.
Who makes it?
The name of this Tennessee based company is Top Of The World distributors. Calotren is their biggest brand but they also offer their own series of multivitamins and other supplements.
They have been operational since 1997 and it was created by a husband and wife duo. The husband has a background in sales and the wife used her nursing background to come up with the idea behind these products. They also add their staff has a past career in healthcare and nursing.
What is a bit alarming is that the company has websites that claim to teach people about supplements, yet the entire focus is on how good a product Calotren is. One can’ help and assume it is being ran by the company themselves as why would someone spend all the time on writing blogs made to have just this one brand look good.
Another alarming reality is the fact there isn’t much information offered by this company who has been around since 1997. With all these years of being operational one would expect some sort of information to be had.
Does Calotren work?
The only bit of information on this product’s rate of effectiveness can be seen on a handful of sites. The overall consensus is that it does not work. In fact I count only 2 reviews that state the product had a positive effect. Since the makers decided not to include any sort of customer support it is really hard to know what if any positive effect can be felt here. This is an unsettling issue as a 7 and a half day bottle of this product costs $69.95 without adding in shipping and handling. There has to be a lot more appeal added before one can consider dropping so much money in this product. It just leaves too much mystery and no shred of evidence.
Clearly there must be some evidence as they state on the website that customers have seen results. Until these customers are revealed it is not wise to take the company on their word when they are so secretive.
Making sure you find results is now even easier when you supplement with the right products.
Calotren Ingredients and Dosage
The official tally for ingredients is 2, one of which is a patented ingredient. ProHydrolase is added and it is meant to increase muscle mass by taking in all the protein you put in and making good use of it. So it essentially maximizes all the protein you take in instead of having it wither away and become much weaker.
The other added ingredient is a collagen complex. Collagen of course is added to improve the overall look and feel of your skin, hair and nails.
4 capsules a day at bedtime alongside water and with an empty stomach by up to 3 hours of fasting are required in order to feel results. Usually this type of dosing schedule is recommended only for laxative type of products. It is unclear if this product will produce the same effects.
Those with soy and wheat allergies cannot take this product as it can cause allergic reactions. Also apparently this can be mixed with medications and almost anyone with a medical condition can take it according to the manufacturer’s. It is very rare to ever hear that both of these things are made possible, and without any evidence to showcase how the product works it might be important to be cautious.
I usually make an effort to try and find a label but the manufacturers do not include their own and no other customers have taken a picture of it.
Are there possible side effects?
The very few shreds of information on this product claim that there is the side effect of insomnia. Due to it being required before bedtime it is meant to product results are your body rests, but most customers reported lacking the ability to get some shut eye.
Since there isn’t much information available by either the manufacturers or any other website it is hard to know what else is possible. Until further information appears there is far too much uncertainty to truly know what one can expect. Collagen does have the possibility of causing fatigue, constipation, bone pain, abnormal heart rhythm and a hypersensitive reaction to allergens. Since this brand has not mentioned their extraction process for their collagen it is unknown if there are any more potential side effects.
More researched and customer approved products are available.
It is extremely difficult to really understand what this product was meant to deliver. Yes they have a marketing appeal that makes it seem like it is safe for most people. They also claim that it is has been customer approved and that it can produce amazing results. However there is no actual evidence of this existing anywhere. It’s as if the company is a brand new company instead of being operational since 1997. A lot of the information on this product leads to a full host of red flags that need to be addressed.
First off almost every review that has been left mentions it was impossible to sleep when supplementing with this brand. This detail is left out of the possible issues on the company profile. Also they claim that there has been customer approval by many, yet nothing appears. Another issue that must be corrected is an official nutrition facts list. They must have one as it is mandated as part of federal law. So the fact they do not have their own is a huge red flag. On top of this is the fact they do not give justification for their incredibly pricy product. One single 7 and a half day bottle will run you $69.95. That is one of the priciest I’ve ever seen.
Until more information as to the company’s manufacturing process exists, favorable reviews, cheaper or at least justified price, and real evidence appears one cannot help but feel cheated by this brand. It’s far too mysterious and not justified in any way.
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